Saturday, February 25, 2006

Feeling Accomplished Yet?

Yesterday, I got a bug up my butt about the way the house looked and decided to do something about it. Unfortunately, the place I started was the dining room where I broke out the paint and the rollers, and the brushes while the girls were napping. I managed to get the dining room wall painted and decided that I didn't have enough paint to continue the wall adjacent to the living room so, I quit and took a look around.

Well, shit. Now I had made it worse. I managed to clean the kitchen and get the dishwasher started, get some laundry going and vaccumm and mop all while trying to corral three small children and entertain my mother and cook for my husband. By the end of the night I was pooped!

Somehow this morning the little dirty elves had not yet made it up and my house was still clean. I noticed this while RUNNING out the door to make it to work on time. Yes, that's right, I am blaming my cleaning for me driving to work at 80 mph and almost being late.

I know that when I get home however, my angels and my wonderful husband will have made a mess. I am hoping since I am interviewing a babysitter tonight, in my home, right after work, that the hubs will
attempt to clean up after the little monsters. But I am not setting any store in it because then if it isn't done (which it usually isn't) then I won't be dissapointed and throw a hissy before the sitter gets there.

I have already warned her that this is a possibility. Honestly, though, I am not sure I can afford her, so maybe it will be a good
thing and rather than me looking at her ashamed and saying, "I am too poor for that much..." she will run screaming from the room and I won't have to think about how much this is going to cost me for ONE day a week of childcare.

Wish me luck, I can promise I will need it.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Friday, February 24, 2006

My First SPF: Bedside Manner

So I thought since I haven't really played many blog games and I enjoy everyone elses' that I would play as well this week. The theme this week direct from Kristine at
Random and Odd is bedside manner. I know I'm a little late this morning posting it but here it is! Please let me know what you think and check out everyone else's SPF. Try Mrs. Dallas K for sure!

1. The inside of your nightstand drawer:

A mess isn't it? You can't tell I'm a mom or anything by the Blue's Clues book can ya? And of course there is a diaper in there in case I need one in the middle of the night? (I didn't even know it was in there...) And the romance novel. The trashy romance novel. Just a little secret: this drawer is my personal junk drawer.

2. A good book you’ve read:

This was a pretty great book, but don't read it if you have issues with depression because let me tell you the main character's struggles with bipolar disorder are hard to take. It has a big streak of murder, child abuse, and repressed memories running right alongside martial infidelity and mental illness. A very good read though.

3. Your favorite lamp:

It's kind of a cheat because this is obviously not a lamp, but it is a light and let me tell you it gives off nothing but ambient light either! But I LOVE it. The hubs picked this one out and it replaced that nasty cheap white light that comes in the house. It even has a littel remote so when I'm all tired and don't feel like getting up to turn on the light or the fan: VIOLA!


© 2006 Crystal Morales

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sex Education?!?

Posted From the MILF: Um....Yeah. What she said!

Butterflies Peace: "College
Ok I'm no saint, nor prude. However, this kinda
shocked me a little bit. Maybe it's just me. I mean
we had sex-education & in college took Anthropology
which opened my eyes to traditions in some cultures
that would not be ok in our culture(At least the
half-sane people). However, this caught my eye
and I wondered is it me or is this a bit much?"

© 2006 Crystal Morales

I Am A Total Bitch

My blog is going to get me divorced. My divorce decree will read something like, "She is cheating on me with her blog."

See this guy here? This laid back hunk? Yeah him. He is totally pissed at me.

You see I spent about, oh I don't know, two weeks not updating my blog. Life just got in the way a little bit and I was busy in the real world too much to update my posts or to change the look of the blog (because let's face it, I am still not sure I like this look).

Last night I had the time finally to get something on here done. Or rather, I made the time. I mean it's been a while right? And he knows that I blog, hell he reads and comments on it. I post some of these posts for his family in Houston and some are really just for him because I know he'll read it and it's kind of romantic to put all that out there for everyone to read huh?

It seems I made the wrong decision about what to do last night because as usual I got caught up and even when I won't on I was thinking about what I wanted to do. So, of course later I got on to do it. Then I remember that is Half Nekkid Thursday so there I go with the camera and the posts and before I know it its 2 am and he's in bed and I'm on the computer.

Now you must realize that my dear hubby works a lot of the time. He is gone from dark to dark most days and sometimes leaves at 3 am and gets home somewhere around 10 am . When he isn't working he has the kids while I work. So our time together is rare and precious. Had he had his way I would have been in bed with him the minute he arrived home at 5 pm (WOO HOO), naked and writhing on the bed. But, as this week is a bad one for that, it didn't happen.

So now my other half is sexually frustrated and is in a pissy mood because of it and he finds his wife on the computer at 2 am posting half nekkid pictures instead of in his martial bed performing various creative sex acts on him.

He's really pissed at me. He's so pissed he made an effort to call me this morning on his way to work and notify me that he thought something was wrong with the computer when he didn't see me on it.

So it looks as though I will have to post only when he is not at home for a while at least. I have some sucking up to do. No pun intended.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Half-Nekkid Thursday # 2: Black Lace

I figured we might try emulating the little HNT icon this week. Colorful ain't it? This lingerie is the only set I have bought specifically for me from a lingerie store for the purpose of seduction. I needed a little ego boost a few years ago after a particularly nasty domestic dispute and I decided that I was worth it. Therefore: the slutty black lace bra. Incidentally, this thing does nothing for active wear.

Believe me this is bedroom wear only and it is meant to come off at the first sign of any real movement.

On a side note this HNT is to boost my little ego a bit more since earlier in the week a party that will not be mentioned called me a name that was not very flattering to my figure. I have never in my life been called anything more insulting and now I will allow you all to whip up a frenzy of self esteem for me so that my usual sexy confidence returns with a vengeance.

Since I'm a little new at the HNT thing let's try a request from the audience as well. Next week, what would you suggest we focus on? I'm thinking navel. What's your take on it?

© 2006 Crystal Morales

45113638_202b79dc11 Check out why I'm less than dressed?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Picture Updates

I took the kids to the park the other day and while snapping random photos I couldn't resist this perfect set up and got a photo of the kiddos for an updated photo for the family. Do you have an idea how much more inexpensive it is to take a photo and upload it and pay for the picture to be blown up than to have studio portaits taken. The other two are of James and I being silly. I always wanted a picture on me on the hood of a truck. Bonus that its' mine...And the man in front of his beloved Halo 2 photo....

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Friday, February 10, 2006

Look Out Kelly Clarkson

On Wednesday, I needed to go pick up the company vehicle and decided to take my sister with me. We had a truck load full of kids, every seat belt filled, and Little Man was riding in front with us. The truck is peaceful, and we are quietly chatting while the babies nap in the back and Little Man just chills in front.

Suddenly…out of nowhere, I hear, in a little boy voice mind you:

“Gotta catch me ridin’ dirty, gotta catch me riding dirty. Music so loud, I’m swingin’…..”

My sis flipped out. While laughing, she asks me, “Is he rapping? Did I miss that or is he rapping?”

Turns out, Little Man is destined to be the next big rapper. Think he’s too young for American Idol?

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Everybody Gettin' Tipsy

James and I went out last night to the club. We have been dancing together for a long time now and it’s something that we both really love to do. We happen to be pretty good at it and can attract quite a bit of attention as well. I noticed while out last night that I really miss being in the spotlight for a few minutes. I like the looks that I get too. I know, and so does my husband, that I will never give him cause to be jealous, but it does my ego good to at least still be able to grab and hold a male gaze after three kids.

James spends more time out at the club than I do. Most often then not he’ll go without me, just to dance, and I’ll stay home with the kiddos. Unfortunately it is really difficult to find someone to watch the kids on a moments notice, especially someone that I trust and that I can afford. I know that dancing is important to my husband and it always has been so this is something that I give a little on.

A few times a month he’ll leave at 8 pm and he won’t be home until between 1am and 4am. So he has some friends that I don’t really know at this club and I met them last night. Very cool people all of them and for the most part we had a very good time.

I find that after our little dates, James and I usually reconnect very well and will have a great few weeks ahead of us. I think we really need to make the effort to do something together at least once a month.

My parents and my aunt and uncle are divorcing and it comes at a time when their kids are out of the house and they are having to find who they are as a couple again and not just a mom and dad. When they found that they have grown apart and can no longer relate to each other the way that they did when they married then they decide to divorce. I am surely hoping that James and I can be sure to maintain us as a couple.

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of what James and I bicker about has to do with never being alone. The tension builds and builds and then it just explodes into a fight. I have noticed since we went out last month and again this month that we have fought a lot less and when we have it has been only minor.

I am sure that sexual tension played a part in our past fights and I am responsible for this one. I have only recently regained my drive. It seems that during my pregnancies with both girls and even afterward while taking
Depo Provera my drive was very low. I married a man with a very active sex drive and I knew this when I married him. We may only miss two or three days in a week usually. However, for the last two years it had been significantly curbed. Since regaining my drive and deciding to spend more time on us and a little less on the kids so much, we are a better couple for it.

Logically, I know that working on us is important because, well, we are the base for our family and if we aren’t solid it’s like building a house on sand. But beside that, it just feels good to be in tune with my husband, to have my life and my relationship in harmony.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Minivan Mommy

This week my job with the Big Bad Corporation offered me the use of one of the company vehicles for two days for product knowledge purposes. I ended up getting the Chevrolet Uplander. I loved it. What I really like about it was the automatic sliding passenger door. It was really convenient to walk out of the house and tell the kids to get in the van. I would press the button on the key fob and open the door and when they were in I could press it again to close it. That really helps corral them when I have my hands full of the baby and the diaper bag, my purse and all the paraphernalia that comes with having small children.

So, also on my wish list is the Chevrolet Uplander. I will get this one though. I have just got to pay off the massive beast of a truck that James just had to have. Although, I can’t really lie, I LOVE the truck too. You wouldn’t believe the looks I get when driving my dually. Guess those will go away when I’m a minivan mommy, but for the convenience I can give up the wolf whistles and the envious drooling of crazy-jealous men.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Mommy Questionnaire Series

I ran across a website where they are publishing a parenting book and are asking for submissions of real moms in response to their motherhood questions. I decided to do this in a series on my blog as well as submit to the company. So the first in this series of in depth looks into my life as a mom.

Question #1. How has your relationship with your children's father changed after you became a mother?

James and I were not married nor were we living together when I conceived Little Man. I was eighteen and had just graduated high school. I had recently gone on a spontaneous trip for my graduation with my sister to the coast. Texas State, which was then Southwest Texas State University had just sent my confirmation of my dorm assignments for the coming fall semester. I was working almost constantly and was looking forward to going away to college and at the same time racking my brain on how I would pay for it. On top of all of that I was in love with a married man.

Whoa! Before you barbecue me... He was waiting on final divorce papers before I even started seeing him.

You see, James had made a classic mistake. He married someone that he cared about because he wanted to get out of our small town and she was in the military and going to California. He wanted to get out of Hickville and he cared about her so he didn't want to lose her. Result? He married her. Not the best decision and made in haste, but hindsight and all that right?

Well, for many reasons, some of which only the two of them are aware of, the marriage did not work and he moved out. From what I gather from him, he started to look for me again.

In case you didn't know, he and I have known each other all our lives and dated when we were in high school. Because of my age and my parents view on our relationship we only dated for a short time, but continued to be friends and really care for one another. In fact, he recently told me that he loved me even when he married his first wife. He broke my heart and that sucked, but I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah...

James started California. He finally found my high school's website which had my picture from the school play in it along with teacher contact information. Now, we lived in a small town so when this teacher got the email she took it to my next class for me. Viola!

We found each other and spent a few months talking on the phone, running up his long distance bill and chatting online until the wee hours of the morning for me and late night for him. He planned a vacation to Texas around Christmas time and when his job told him he couldn't have the entire time off, he quit.

Packed up his truck with as much as it could hold and moved back home. We started seriously dating and getting to know each other again.

Upon learning that I was pregnant we moved in together to parent the child as a unit and to go through the pregnancy together. We deliberately decided not to get married as a result of our child though. We both felt that we were not ready to be married to each other and that if we made that decision right then it might be as a result of pressure from society rather than a sense of what was best for us and the baby.

As my pregnancy developed we were still in the getting to know you phase and we hit a lot of bumps in the road. I think we came out okay for the most part though.

When Little Man came along everything changed. One of the things I remember most about my labor is that James spent the whole time sitting beside me, holding my hand with his head on the bed. Just helpless because he couldn't relieve the pain I was going through. My mom was a little difficult but I had a fantastic nurse who informed her that she was making the situation more stressful. She was even asked to leave the room at one point.

When Little Man was born, before they even had the baby ready for the cord cutting, he leaned down next to my ear and whispered "thank you". Those are the most powerful, life changing words I have ever heard.

James spent every night and all day in the hospital with Little Man and I. While I would be resting he would lie down on the little cot in the room with Little Man and just stare at him. I remember him playing music in the room and singing to the baby.

If I had not been in love with him before, this would have sealed the deal.

James stayed home with us the whole first week and then went back to work. He was always there to put in more than his share of the time with the baby and he relieved a lot of my stress getting into a routine with the baby while still getting well.

James and I didn't actually get married until Little Man was two. Our son was our ring bearer. We had a few problems in those two years and some of them were major enough that we almost ended our relationship. I think one of the main things that kept us from making that mistake was our son. It would have been very easy to end our relationship had we not had him.

We loved each other, but we would have both gone our separate ways had we not had that firm, permanent reason to stick it out and try to work on our relationship rather than just give up. Most couples have all the legal stuff to go through if they divorce. It is having to deal with each other and your lives and having that cooling off period that keeps them together. We were not in that situation and our commitment was our son.

Having children has changed me as a woman and James as a man. It has made me a better person and yet have made my life chaotic in ways only another parent can understand.

We now have three children, Little Man who is five years old today and Ms. Personality who will be 2 years old in two days, and Miracle Babe who is 11 months. They are my world and they have the ability to bring out the best parts of James and I. That's how they changed our relationship. They make us better people which in turn, makes us better spouses.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

My Own Virtual Housekeeper

I ran across a really cool parental blog today. It's a collabortive effort blog called Parent Hacks. When checking out the most recent posts I became envious and greedy. I found this miracle of modern science that I am already in love with and I haven't even seen the darn thing yet.

I want it, want it, want it.

Essentially it is a vaccuum cleaner, for any floor surface, and it has a remote control and you can set it to do it's thing on it's own. For a two hour interval your floor is getting cleaned in the area that you set out to be cleaned while you are on a playdate, grocery shopping, at work, in the yard, taking a nap with the baby, whatever.

Amazon has it online and supposedly they won't post the price until you put in in your cart. Well I did and it's only $199. Alot, I know, but there are vaccuums that are more expensive. Heads up: these vaccuums have to have an operator. The Roomba does not. It can vaccuum for me.

I am so into this. Are you reading me here? Need gift ideas? Perfect for the busy mommy! ME! Please?! No? Fine. I'll get it myself!

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Things I Love About My Husband....

Ok. I ran across this when checking out my blogs for the day and am following her example. So here we go.

1. You never let me back down when my confidence falters.

2. You never let anyone take advantage of me.

3. You are the most amazing father.

4. The way you look when you are going out.

5. The way you always seem to love me more when you come home from a night out.

6. It never hurts my feelings if you give me hell about my chin or my teeth or my weight because I know that you love me anyway.

7. You can dance like no one's business and you were patient enough to teach me and make me love it.

8. You always cover for me when I am being a bitch.

9. You know my body better than I do.

10. I have the freedom to explore myself within the safwe confines of out relationship.

11. You would never let me or your children be hurt.

12. You make me laugh at myself, at other people, at you.

13. I love your eyes. They tell so much of who you are.

14. You have principles that you stick to no matter what.

15. I always feel safe with you.

16. You are never rude to a waitress/waiter but they won't get a tip if your tea glass does not stay filled.

17. I love that when you buy gifts it is always something taht alot of thought was put into.

18. I love that you came home from two weeks out of town and brought out daughter a teddy bear.

19. I love that you fall asleep when I massage you.

20. You are always available to help someone out.

21. You love my family.

22. My family loves you.

23. You don't see the pull of drugs.

24. You are always the life of the party.

25. You brought me out of my shell.

26. I can tell you anything and be honest about it.

27. You don't understand why I live to read so much.

28. You take pictures of everything cute our kids do.

29. You love me like no one ever has. No matter what.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

HNT A Celebration of Legs

These are my legs. They get me anywhere I need to go. They have been known to inspire lust and have also caused me pain and anguish on occasion.

Since having
children, I don't like my legs as much as I once did. The thighs are larger than I would like and they are not as toned as they once were. But these are not the legs of a teenager. These are the legs of a full grown woman who is confident in herself and her abilities.

My legs are functional and beautiful and I am proud to share them with you.

Why Am I Nekkid? See the King:


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Five Year Old Is A Better Parent Than I Am

I have recently discovered that Little Man is a better parent. He and the two girls are in the tub and I walk into the girls room to get clothes/diapers. I walk back into the bathroom and Little Man has removed Ms. Personality and Miracle Babe from the tub and wrapped them in towels.

He proceeds to take the diapers from me and diaper his sisters. Without being asked. Without it being mentioned. I didn't even tell them it was time to get out of the tub.

Can I retire now do you think??

My Kid's Hearing is WAY too good!

What is it with a 5 year old that you can tell him 20 times to do something and he "didn't hear you Mommy" But the minute I say something I don't want to hear come out of his mouth, well yeah there it is.

Earlier today Little Man is standing on the couch (nevermind that he knows that this is inappropriate behavior) and yelling at the TV, which just went from cartoons to a commercial. What is he screaming you ask? I hear the words "What the Duck?" Ok.. Not the same as the real thing but too close to cut it.

Then I tell him to get a plate for his dinner. Again. Again. Again. Finally I yell at him becuase he OBVIOUSLY is not hearing me. What is his response?

"Mommy, you're a fussy grown-up."

I couldn't help but laugh. What am I gonna do with him?

The Beauchamp Family

The Beauchamp Family

Candy hit this one on the head. Thanks for the update on Beloved Wife's Day.

I wonder if it could be implemented here in the U. S. ?

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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