Friday, November 24, 2006

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

Well we made it through Thanksgiving. It was nice. My family is kind of changing these days. My aunt was out of town with my cousins but my dad and mom and sister made it to the dinner at my grandparents along with my uncles and another grandmother and a cousin. Plus of course my niece, nephew and my hubby and kids. It was a nice turn out and a wonderful meal. I decided to go over a little early and help my grandmother so that I could learn how to make all the fixings. Plus I made candied sweet potatoes from scratch.

I am also cooking on Sunday for my parents, uncle, grandmother, sister, niece, nephew and my hubby and kids at my house. I am make a traditional hungarian dish that my grandmother taught my mom who taught me. The receipe is four or five generations old and it takes all day but it is so worth it. I am trying to make this a tradition as well. The weekend after Thanksgiving everyone comes to my house for a day of cooking and family time.

We are considering getting a "new to me" vehicle. I want a Trailblazer EXT and I found one I like for a price I like here in Austin. I hope that we can get financed for it and if not then we just wait until we have tax return money and the dealer will be more likely to finance. Plus we aren't backed up against the wall on this one so we have time to negotiate.

I am working today on Black Friday and much as I would like to be home or shopping for great deals I am getting Overtime pay plus holiday so it works out great for me.

I have my lunchtime in about 20 minutes. Gotta get some stuff done before that so ta-ta for now.

© 2006 CM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So I'm a Slacker....


No seriously, life has just been too busy to keep up with this blog recently. So I guess I should give a run down of where things are right now huh?

Little Man quit football as we just don't have the time to do all of this and both of us work opposite shifts.

Ms. Personality has a mullet since she asked her bubba to cut her hair for her! Oy!

Miracle Babe is talking up a storm and has a head full of little ringlets.

James is still working nights and his 28th birthday is coming up in 4 days. I have to figure out what the hell I am going to get him.

The last two weeks James and I were on vacation and were able to get all the doctor appointments and house/yard work done and get in one night out dancing. He managed to make it for one night to Houston to go fishing with his Dad and took the kiddos. Which means that I was alone in the house for one whole night in I don't know how long. I have to say it was nice to eat a meal, watch a television show and take a bath without three little indians bouncing around my knees while I pee....

I am back at work now and will be putting in 12 hour days for the rest of the week at least so that my check evens out since my boss screwed it up while I was gone. Not that she isn't a good boss but this part of it sucks.

We are making plans for Thanksgiving. I am sure we will be at my grandmother's for Thanksgiving again this year and then I have promised to spend that weekend with my Dad. So James and the kids and I will do that. I think while we are up there I will try to make it to Coldspring Granite and acquire another large granite rock or two for the yard.

I have a brand new iPod 30GB Video from my job for free. We had a contest and my team won. We all got one. Plus at the end of this month we all get one of these:

Have I said how much I like my job yet?

Well I do...Alot.

© 2006 CM

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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