Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ninety To Nothing.....

I am at work right now and I just can't think straight. I don't want to be here, I want to be at home chilling out for the next few days and getting ready to start a new, exciting thing with Apple. I am only here cause we need the money, but I am just gonna leave today after they do my exit interview. I am going to tell them why they lost an employee of five years and then I am going to go gather up my things and leave the building. For good. Saturday is supposed to be my last day but I just can't make it. I can't put the pretense of giving a shit out there for this company anymore. I have like three things I need to do today outside of work and I have to be home by 6:15pm so that James can go to work tonight.

They put him on nights early, which is good because then he can get used to the hours before I start to work my day job. This will be his first night driving to Dallas and honestly I want to get home so I can watch the kids and make sure he gets enough sleep to make this drive comfortably.

We were up really late last night too. I am beat. We decided to put a shelf over the big screen to hold all of the components. That way the baby can't get to any of it while James is sleeping during the day. Took a while to figure out why the HD picture was all screwy but we got it figured out. We also bought some child locks for our fridge and freezer and for the knife drawer and the pantry. There are chain locks on the outside doors and I made sure I locked the office and my bathroom door when I left the house this morning. Hopefully that caught the majority of stuff that the kids can get into. I think I might set the cable box and TV to come on to NOGGIN at about 8 am, so that the kids can just get up and watch it while Daddy tries to get some sleep.

We are going tubing on Memorial Day this year. It's gonna be crowded but that's cool cause the river is awesome when there are people to party with. Looks like there are five comming with us so far and we have invitations with three more pending. Plus we are meeting 5 or 6 there. So big group ourselves.

Homegirl will not be drinking this time around though. Last time Mr. Crown Royal and I had a royally good time. I swear I have NEVER been that drunk in public before. Things started spinning, I was drunk singing, and I almost drowned. No thank you. Please note: if you are sitting down in a tube and drinking alot and wondering why you aren't feeling drunk and you have had quite a bit, JUST WAIT. When you stand: You will then FALL back down. I promise. I was there. I did it. It hurt.

Looks like we are heading back out to The Comal this time. I do want to go to the Gaudalupe this summer at some point though. I hear its a little rougher and more fun. We do have someone going with us again this year who can't swim so the Comal it is. Plus it's lazier and cool for drinking. It goes right past the back of Schlitterbaun, so there will be lots of people there. One ride in Schlitterbaun actually empties into the river too.

I need to buy a new bikini. I think I'll look this afternoon when I leave work. I need to get a new set of RCA cables for the DVD player and that will be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds. Gotta go mail off my gas bill too.

I hate that company! They cut you off if you are a week late, but they will not accept a payment online or by phone unless you pay them a $15.00 fee for it. But of course the US Mail takes forever for the payment to reach them too. So I have to send my freaking gas bill early to be sure it gets there!

On top of that I need to be back here at 5:45 to sell on of my son's power wheels that he no longer uses. I forgot to load the damn thing this morning so I can't just call her and have her come pick it up early. I have to go get it and come back to sell it to her. But its extra money for something that was just collecting dust and taking up room in my garage.

I have to get into shape. You know I go through a kick like this once a month usually. And, strangely, it's always around the time I gain 10 pounds due to bloating. I can fitting into the size I do now. I am okay with it, but when I can't fit that due to water retention it just pisses me off. And that doesn't even take into account my regular pissed offishness that happens this time of the month anyway.

Mother's Day was good. I had to work, which sucked, but I came home to a clean house and an AWESOME dinner and a new vaccumm. Not the most romantic gift but very practical and I happen to LOVE the thing, so it's all good. My kiddos didn't do anything for me specifically this year, but they did help clean up the house and they made me laugh so all is good. I did tell James that I want handmade stuff from the kiddos next year that I can keep and put away for memories sake. I know I'll get something like that from Dylan since he'll be in school but we'll see if James helps the girls do something. I dont' think that he is into handmade gifts for father's day, but I might need to ask him. Plus it'll be good for the babies to do a little artsy project since they ALL LOVE to draw and color.

So that's all for now. All the craziness running through my head is now here so maybe I can get a little bit of work done before I ditch the company completely.

© 2006 CM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Take This Job and.......

Did you know that it if you get another job offer you automatically start to do things that could get you fired at your previous job? It's called the "what-are-they-going-to-do? Fire-me?" condition. No really! It's a medical fact. A real live disease! See I'll prove it: (Insert bogus scientific facts here....)

So now you believe me right?

Fine, don't take my word for it. You just'll happen to you.

I got an offer from "BAD ASS COMPANY WHO TREATS THEIR EMPLOYEES LIKE HUMANS" on Friday. I was driving at the time. Nearing wrecked the freaking truck when they quoted my salary. I had to button my lip; lest they find out I would have taken less and been happy with it. God forbid they find out that they are totally overpaying me. Not that my skills aren't worth like millions, but hey no body has ever offered to pay me WHAT I'M WORTH before. I thought it was a dead gesture. Like chivalry. Or (for some very unlucky women) foreplay.

I had to call the hubby and ya know, clear it through him. *I knew I was gonna take the job, just wanted to brag about how much I'll be making first.* You should have heard the profanity, (the shocked happy kind) that came out of his mouth when I told him what I would be making hourly. Just a little side note: It's more on base pay than he makes on overtime. Yup, you can say it, I'M A GODDESS!!

By the way: He is totally secure in his masculinity and is cool with me making more than him. Kinda. Hee hee.

When I called HR CHICK back and told her I would take the job she totally didn't remain professional but got all giddy about it. *RWR* (cock head to the side and put on blank confused face like Scooby Doo).

She proceeds to regale me with tales of the interview panel's impressions of me. Apparently, I am exactly what they were looking for. They wanted to hire me on the spot, but because of the whole *equal opportunity* and *hiring process* thing they had to wait but I was always at the top of the short list. She said when I told her that I needed to call my husband they were afraid I would turn the job down and that's why she was giddy now that I had accepted. Hmmmmm....

Maybe I should have held out a little longer...think they would have ponied up for more cash if I had? Wonder if they wanted me that bad?? Ahhh what if....

Anyhoo. Couldn't WAIT to put in my notice at ASSJOCKEYS 'R' US. Called and got the email addy of the HR WITCH later that afternoon and put in my two weeks notice, exactly three hours after verbally accepting the offer from COMPANY EXTRORDINAIRE. I am not laurel-sitter! No sir-ee.

Since then I have taken off work when I shouldn't have, been late from breaks and lunches (like one minute, but hey for this ANAL group, it counts) and have been a roaming visitor to some of my favorite blogs while using company computer terminals on the weekends. NO JUDGEMENT. Yeah that means you! It's totally dead here on weekends and I can only nap so much. *shhhh* Don't tell anyone. Oh yeah, wait.

"What are they going to do? Fire me?" Please!!! I am just here to collect a paycheck for the next two weeks 'til I leave this hell-hole for a haven of employment.

Ok, so time to gush about the new place. They have casual dress. So yeah! No spending my hard-earned cash on more clothes to work in. Totally makes sense! NOBODY is going to see me on the phone. They need to hear my voice, which will be a lot happier if I am wearing my comfy jeans instead of worrying about slacks that crawl up my crack. Sorry for the VISUAL, but hey, it's a nice ass, so lucky you.

They pay you more money to pay for your medical benefits. So like hardly any money toward my medical fees. Ummm... Oh Oh! Fitness center on site for employees! Home girl will be sweatin' the calories off my hips 'stead of eating my way through the cafeteria (which they also have) during lunch.

Discounts on their products: Nice ones. And these are great products. I know you have seen the commercial of the silhouette dancing around with the headphones in? Yeah those.

So long story short (too freaking late) I have a medical condition that makes me not give a crap about my job but this will be cured miraculously on May 22, 2006. Good to know it's only a temporary malady huh?

© 2006 CM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Comming to Terms with It.....

I have spent the last few weeks getting used to the anger and sense of betrayal I felt when my friend demoted me in her wedding party. I have found myself over the last few days looking past her myspace page and wanting to pop in a comment to say hi and then realizing that I am supposed to be mad at her. Really though, I don't want to be mad. And to be honest, not talking to her for the last little while has not effected my life much in the long run. Maybe she was right to choose someone who is closer to her. Someone that she talks to or sees everyday and someone that if they had a patch like she and I have had recently that she would notice more than I have.

Most of the anger I think was put there by being asked and then being UN-asked. Not the most pleasant situation you know. But I have to give the girl a little bit of slack. More than I have been giving anyway. At least right now. Planning a wedding is tough stuff. Not everyone is going to get what they want, including the bride, and it's hard to deal with that I guess. Having been married for a while I forgot the total chaos and upheaval that my life was in while planning my own wedding. Let's see, in just a few days all of this happened:

1. My sister accused James of child abuse.

2. My future in-laws witnessed my sister trashing them.

3. My bridesmaids gave my toast because my maid of honor refused.

4. My sister kicked my aunt in the bathroom at my reception, because she was told she was being a bitch (Which she was.)

5. In every wedding picture I have my maid of honor is frowning, except those that she took with her friends.

6. A person I barely know asked to be seated with my family in the wedding and asked if she could walk down with MY MOM!!

7. I had to kick this person out of the bridal room when getting ready for the wedding. MORE THAN ONCE.
8. Out of 150 confirmed guests: only 75 showed up.

9. The sausage burnt for the reception.

10. My great uncle kept my grandmother talking and she was late to the wedding. We had to hold the wedding for her and my grandfather to get there.

11. My mom was kidding around and told me that the groom skipped out, I cried my eyes out until she fessed up. RIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING. I got married with puffy eyes, but it was okay because I was crying during the whole wedding anyway.

12. I was crying during the ceremony so hard that I had a hard time getting the words "I take you as my husband." out of my mouth.

13. I had a huge fight with my sister the night before the wedding right outside the reception hall where I told her that I thought her marriage wouldn't last a year, but I helped her more than anyone else at her wedding and why couldn't she do the same for me?

14. Some of my flowers froze in the walk-in fridge that we put them in.

15. My dad couldn't be found for the father-daughter dance, so I had to do it later.

16. My neighbor flirted with and tried to steal everyone's husbands at the reception.

17. I was so pissed at my sister and the lack of people that had confirmed that I threw back three successive shots of tequila and then proceeded to get roaring drunk like an hour later.

18. THEN...on my first anniversary where I was supposed to eat my cake top: I couldn't find it becuase my mom had switched mine and my sister's. So she ate my top on her anniversary and I was NOT about to eat hers!! Hello? Remember I didn't think her marriage would last.

But even with all of that, it was beautiful day. The ceremony was wonderful and the food was perfect. I didn't speak to my sister for a long time after my wedding for all the stuff she pulled either.

I think on this score I can afford to be a little bit generous. I am still upset that she doesn't make the effort but maybe I just need to put this friendship on the "we catch up every now and then" pile and go from there.

I do have plans to go out with James and three other friends on Thursday night where we will meet up with five or six other friends and maybe that will all turn out well.

I do need to find someone that I have more in common with. Someone who likes to go out and do things but at the same time loves to be home. I am reconnecting with someone I knew a long time ago as well on Thursday and I missed her. She and I REALLY need to get together more often than we do.

With kids it's hard to keep friendships going. When do you have the time? Especially with people who don't have kids.

And it's really a catch 22 because if your friends have kids then they have a hard time getting out without them just like you do and if they don't have kids then you are the one who is holding everyone up and they don't understand your world cause they don't have little munchkins running around.

Ah....cest la vie!

© 2006 CM

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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