Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Hate the IRS....

Dear Uncle Sam:

You suck.

That is all.

© 2006 CM

Monday, June 26, 2006

Just When You Least Expect It

Why is it that unexpected and unpleasent things happen at the most inopportune moments? Why is it that I am cosmically challenged and must always have an unexpected repair or expense when there is no money for it?

Case in point: the truck. The family and I were out yesterday for a little trip down memory lane in the old neighborhood. Lo and behold when the hubby stepped on the brake we heard an unmistakable grinding noise. That is NEVER good. Turns out we are down to the metal on one of the brake pads in the front and it has ruined one of the rotors. For a small care this is no biggie. For my truck it CAN be a huge deal. Not only is this truck needed to get the family around and for the hubby to go get parts and such but it costs a lot more to fix the truck then an ordinary car.

The issue with this is that we are still catching up financially with me having swtiched jobs. It is tight. Really tight and although there is light at the end of the tunnel that light is growing dimmer with each new expense.

I guess it could be worse. I do have a GREAT job and James has a well paying one so we do see that light. I can't say the same for my sister and her husband. He just lost his job and she has never worked and feels no need to with two kids and pregnant with another she thinks he should carr y the financial load. On top of that they just signed for a home. Owner financed but still a higher payment than they were making before and him without a job and only one car between them.

I suppose I will rob Peter a little more and pay Paul and come up with whatever money is needed to survive and pay the bills without anything getting repossessed, foreclosed on or turned off. In the meantime my husband is at home trying to fix our truck with only my cousin's help.

© 2006 CM

Friday, June 16, 2006

Teacher Might Be Dismissed for Pictures

She posed topless, and now she could lose her job. An Austin High School art teacher could lose her job after school officials found photos of her on a Web site.

Right now, Tamara Hoover is on paid suspension. Her attorney, Jay Brim, says AISD wants to get rid of her for good. Brim said he thinks this is the reason the topless pictures of Hoover were put on a Web site.

Hoover's attorney says she did pose topless, but she never gave permission for the topless pictures to be on the Web for everyone to see.

Still once the school found out, Hoover was suspended on May 19.

An investigation began, and then Hoover was essentially told the district wanted her gone, but her attorney believes it's apples and oranges.

"We have an art teacher here, and she was in her private life acting out what her education and background had taught her. It's a difficult situation for the district because they believe damage is done to Ms. Hoover's reputation," Brim said.

Tisha Padilla is an Austin High School student and one of Hoover's former art students.

"Compared to the other art teachers, I liked her the best," Padilla said.

"I think she has a right to keep her job only because the Web site has nothing to do with school. Those kind of pictures are not bad pictures. Just things she thinks is pretty, beautiful," Padilla said.

"Art comes in different forms and her being an art teacher, this is a form of art, and so I think that the school should recognize that," Mona Acosta, who supports Hoover, said.

Hoover is pleading for help on her MySpace Web page. She's asking for donations so she can defend herself at a hearing after the school district decided to begin her termination.

Photographer Celesta Danger says anyone who considers her pictures pornographic is sorely mistaken.

"This is Tamara first thing in the morning. I ran into her room and took a picture with her face all puffy. Her eyes still sealed shut. How the hell is this pornographic?" Danger said.

Danger posted pictures of her girlfriend, Hoover, on her One of the pictures posted on Danger's Web page at suspended Hoover as an art teacher at Austin High School.

"When you take pictures of someone nude out of context, it's going to look much different. There is a narrative, there is a story. This is life as it's happening. These are things that happen. People take showers. People are naked sometimes," Danger said.

We showed the pictures in question to parents. We got a mixed reaction. Laura Mercer thinks Hoover should absolutely lose her job.

"You want to make sure that the people that are influencing your children are conducting a lifestyle you would want your children to aspire to. And, I wouldn't want my children to aspire to this kind of lifestyle," Laura said.

Laura's husband, Everett, agrees with Danger. He says like it or not, it's life and it's art. It shouldn't have anything to do with Hoover's job.

"It's certainly something I wouldn't approve of. But, I don't think someone should get fired for something they're doing in their personal life," Everett said.

Tuesday afternoon, AISD issued a statement saying: "Please know that AISD has no intention of infringing upon a person's legitimate rights to free speech and expression. However, public school educators are legally held to a higher moral standard, in order to protect the young lives they influence."

Now, despite the controversy, the pictures are still online. Danger says it's her art, and she decides what to do with it. Hoover does plan to fight for her job and to keep her teaching certificate.


Remind you of anyone? (

I can't stand that what is happening in her personal life is affecting her professional one. I heard about this yesterday morning on the Kiss FM Bobby Bones Radio show (see: when they were going to send a radio personality out on the street to raise money for the teacher's legal fees. Now this isn't to say that I agree with the way he did it (Hold up a sign saying "Boobies Make Me Learn Better") but I applaud the effort none the less.

I understand that a teacher is held to a higher standard but come on! You can see more than that on "Skinimax" after 10:00 each night.

We live in Austin, Texas for pity's sake. This is one of the most liberal and art-friendly cities in the nation. Driving down sixth street in the middle of the afternoon will probably get you a view of an old man's derrierre in a thong and high heels (ie Leslie-and if you live in Austin you know what I am talking about.)

I might feel differently if the woman were an elementary teacher or if she was advertising the fact that the pictures were out there but she is a highschool art teacher and she didn't even give permission for the picture to be taken! That's like my company firing me over something that YOU posted ABOUT me.

How is any of this right?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sicky Sickerstein

All weekend my man has been feeling poorly and horrible wife that I am I felt little simpathy for him. I actually told him he was being a baby at one point.

Now though, I feel like crap for that. Because he just got back from the doctor and of course he has strep throat. So when I was telling him that it was just a stomach thing and he didn't need any antibiotics, yeah. I was wrong. I am woman enough to admit it.

So this morning I had to look up my new health insurance information so that he could go tot he doctor and get his meds. That alone took a freaking hour.

Why is it that some companies still think that an extensive prompt menu on a customer service line is a good idea? I mean, this is my business and I happen to know that this is just going to piss the customer off. Just freaking connect me with a REAL person! I don't want to talk to your system. I don't want to be told your policies or promotions either.

Anyway, I'll just step off of my little soapbox now.

There, that's better.

I did manage to take care of it all and get him in and diagnosed and cared for.

What worries me now is that this man gets SERIOUS strep throat. He is really suceptible to it. The last time it permenantly ruined his singing voice and he was coughing up blood.

I really hope that it was caught in time to keep him from getting so seriously sick. On the same note, I hope that no one else catches it. My kids especially but my grandmother and grandfather as well.

I called them to come watch the kids while James went to the doctor and my grandfather drove James to the office. Unfortunately, strep really effects my grandmother hard. Then my grandfather is having back surgery in two days time and of course he can't be sick at all when he goes in to get cut on.

Worrying, however, is not going to make any of it go away, so I guess I will just have to address the issue as it arises.

I can tell you that with my kids at home with my hubby who is feeling poorly, my house is going to be a wreck. Not that I blame him. If I was diseased and running a fever I wouldn't clean either.

I will have to cater to him tonight and possibly even tomorrow night depending on how he feels. I do know that he wanted a penicillin shot in the doctors office and I wonder if he actually got it or if he settled for the pills alone.

I will assume he still feels bad cause he is not answering his phone either.

© 2006 CM

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Toobs, Burns and Beer

Memorial Day has come and gone. James and I gathered up about 15 friends and went floating down The Comal river. Had a blast! EXCEPT for one of the girls who went got realy drunk and then got obnoxious.

I do have to say that if you are going to be out in the sun then you should reapply your sunscreen every twenty minutes. Cause apparently 3 times in 4 hours is NOT enough.

I'm off to apply Aloe to my tummy AGAIN! OW!

© CM 2006

I'll be here for years

Turns out that blogging when starting a new job and getting used to a new routine is really tough. Unfortunately I have not been able to keep up with my blogging like I should have. Once again, I am slacking in the blogging department. Forgive me for it but I thought that getting used to the new job was more important than putting all this out here.

I will say that I am going to love doing this new job. While it is in the same field that I have been working in for the last seven years it is a completely different atmosphere. For the first time ever I have found a company for whom TRUST is a core value. I'm not talking about trust the customer or the "corporate trust" that most of us are used to but REAL trust. This company believes that when you say something or do something that you are being honest and upright. They require no documentation and do not require you to prove yourself. They assume that you are the best person for the job and they want to do everything they can to keep you.

The benefits of this job are amazing! I have started a new workout plan here at work on my lunch hour and now have insurance and lots of perks for my family. Yesterday I was assigned my desk and given time to set up my workstation. Today, more training and more hands on stuff.

Getting used to the new schedule has been interesting. Its okay for me but for James it kinda sucks cause he is now working nights and trying to sleep during the day. The kiddos do keep him up every now and then and when he sleeps good then they are tearing the house apart. I am attempting to make sure that EVERYTHING is put up and locked up before I leave in the morning. AND my WONDERFUL husband is cooking breakfast for me each morning as he arrives home.

I think I will be here for a long while. The company is really interested in keeping their employees so it will be good for me to get settled in. Plus, as mentioned before, they pay really well.

© CM 2006

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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