Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Little GridIron Giant

This is the first one and then the Friday Night Lights....

Friday Night Lights

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So, I finally got one of the videos of Dylan practicing Pee Wee up and running. Check it OUT!

© 2006 CM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Spring Cleaning

I took my kids to my sister's house on Sunday. They spent all day playing with their cousins and having a ball. Meanwhile, back at the casa, James and I were working hard and getting dirty. NOT LIKE THAT! Cleaning the house. From top to bottom. Stuff like behind the refridgerator, the stove, cleaning out the pantry. We also did a few "home improvement" things as well. We ripped up the carpet in the girl's bedroom and then painted the concrete with purple concrete paint.

This is 100% easier to clean and keep up with. If she spills something or gets food on the floor (by sneaking it out of the kitchen) then it is just a quick sweep and mop instead of a rental of a carpet cleaner and deodorizing the room.

Last few things to be done? Laundry and sorting the clothes that we no longer wear.

I EVEN paid bills this morning before I left the house at 7 AM!

© 2006 CM

Monday, August 28, 2006

Saturday Morning Sun....

Oh My God! It was so hot at Little Man's game. He had a great time and actually did pretty well in the game but the girls were hot and restless.

They had a good time too though and hopefully the next one will be closer to home turf.

Sunday the kids went over to my sister's for the day while James and I radically cleaned the house and repaired Ms. Personality's floor in her bedroom. We removed her carpet and painted the floor purple so that it will be easily mopped up.

It feels good to have a clean house. We'll see how clean it stays when I get home tonight.

© 2006 CM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'd Like to Introduce You to the Next Heisman Winner

Dylan has his first pep rally tonight at Bastrop Middle School. My little boy is growing up. He has settled into school well and is learning football nicely.

His first game is at 10:45 AM at Crockett High on Saturday. He has another one right after that at 11:30. I don't really know what the deal is with that though. His league has two pee wee teams (one white, one black) and the pee wee white team has two games this Saturday while pee wee black only has one. I don't know if that means that they are really good and that's why they play twice or that they are not so good and need the practice.

Hmmmm.. On another note: I am not really fond of Little Man's Kindergarten teacher so much. She seems a little off to me but I really like his football coach. Rick is well aware of how to treat a five year old. Probably because he has one of his own but he has that good balance between understanding and firmness that kids respect. I think that the teacher may have a hard time gaining the children's respect as she always seems like she is unsure of herself.

© 2006 CM

Job Security at Least....

Ok so if you know where I work then you are aware that we just announced a major issue with some of our products. Not good, but we are handling it well. Bad news for me: Call are going to ramp up signigicantly. Good News for me: I get to keep my job for at least the next six months or a year or so with no worries.

Oy Vay! I already have a migrane!

© 2006 CM

Monday, August 14, 2006


Well update on the day...It has gone to shit.

Mother has caused MAJOR drama at my sister's and all over Bastrop County and is in the State Hospital. I think she finally cracked.

Dylan did well at school but came home with a progress note saying that he did not listen to the teacher in class all day. Put that on top of his not focusing at Football and I think the kid might have an issue with ADD or ADHD.

Gotta check into it.

© 2006 CM

ABC's and 123's

I took Little Man to his first day of school today. My precious little boy is off on his own. It was a little bitterweet but I didn't cry. I have been quite anxious all day and everytime the phone rings I worry that it will be a phone call for me about him. I wonder how his day is going and if he is behaving and learning anything.

I hope he has fun and that he fits in well. I can't think about this anymore or I will start to cry or worse...CALL. Oy!

Lord help me get through the day.

© 2006 CM

Cops and Robbers...

Ok so after the incident with the bumper a couple of weeks ago I woke up to James banging on the door Thursday morning. I went outside and someone had broken into my truck and stolen the speakers and the amp. OMG! You think you live in a great neighborhood and no big deal but apparently not.

We called the police and they got fingerprints. We bought some security devices and we took pictures but this sucks..

Off to the Races....

We ran out to Marble Falls this weekend. Stayed overnight with my Dad and then headed out to the annual boat races! It was incredibly hot and crowded but SO fun. We watched several of the smaller races and the outboard races and we were able to catch ONE of the BIG BOY Races...the Pro Mods...Awesome.

We were taking video the entire time of the races that we caught but the sucky part is that I forgot to charge the camera battery after Dylan's football practice and we ran out of battery right before the BIG race! Argg! Will post video of one of the other races today and put up new pics and video of Dylan's Pee Wee practice.

All the kiddos and myself got sunburned but I got the cutest new shorts and shirt and James got a new larger Blo Me sticker from the BloMe racing group.

Overall....great Sunday.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Web Page for the Family

Check out this link:

Monday, August 07, 2006

My Little GridIron Giant

Well I have signed myself up for some more madness. Little man has decided that he wants to play football. He has been to three practices and I can already see some improvement. It's funny though, he has the hardest tim focusing. And BOY is my kid a talker.

I think that might be an issue when he starts school in a couple of weeks.

We went to Academy and got all of his equipment for him to play. It's full contact pee wee so he needs the full pads. Two hundred dollars later, not to mention the registration fees and now he is tired of playing.

Sorry Buddy your playing.


© 2006 CM

New Bumper

Craziness at my house on the 31st. A friend's abusive controlling ex-husband came over to my house and tried to start a fight with my hubby. When James proved too coolheaded for that the crazy person decided that he would take out his agression on my truck. My baby!!!

He took her little Neon and hit the front of my truck and then sped off. Needless to say I had the cops over there quick and after a long battle with her insurance company and of course the crimial charges I filed I ended up getting a check for the replacement of my bumper.

Instead of going with a stock one though, we took the check and upgraded to a new Ranch Hand bumper.

Wanna play bumper cars now anyone?? Pictures to come when I finally download the camera!

© 2006 CM

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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