Saturday, March 11, 2006

Boycott Citgo...Thank you MILF

"I came across this the other day...

Think about this the next time you buy gasoline!

Cindy Sheehan & Chavez

Venezuela Dictator Vows To Bring Down U.S. Government

Venezuela government is sole owner of Citgo gasoline company

Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez has vowed to bring down the U.S. government.
Chavez, president of Venezuela, told a TV audience: 'Enough of imperialist aggression;
we must tell the world: down with the U.S. empire. We have to bury imperialism this century.'

The guest on his television program, beamed across Venezuela, was Cindy Sheehan,
the antiwar activist. Chavez recently had as his guest Harry Belafonte, who called
President Bush 'the greatest terrorist in the world.'

Chavez is pushing a socialist revolution and has a close alliance with Cuban
dictator Fidel Castro.

Regardless of your feelings about the war in Iraq, the issue here is that we have
a socialist dictator vowing to bring down the government of the U.S. And he is
using our money to achieve his goal!

The Venezuela government, run by dictator Chavez, sole owner of Citgo gas co.
Sales of products at Citgo stations send money back to Chavez to help him in his vow
to bring down our government.

Take Action

Please decide that you will not be shopping at a Citgo station.
Why should U.S. citizens who love freedom be financing a dictator who has vowed to take

How to Never Get Ripped Off For Portraits Again.....

I am a genius. No really. A photographic genius.

Ok, so that may be a bit much, but damn it I deserve some praise here. You see, at least once a year I take my kids to the dreaded portrait studio to have pictures made. This is a very well thought out and planned trip. It must be. I am taking my children somewhere that they must be happy, clean and quiet and must ALL THREE smile on cue. OMG. Do you have any idea what kind of crack the person who thought this crap up was smoking???

So, as I posted before, my daddy bought us a digital camera for Christmas. I LOVE this thing. It's freaking awesome. And the picture quality is pretty damn good if I do say so myself. More megapixels and a steady hand will do that for you.

About a month ago I am in town with the rascals pretty early in the morning. (Don't ask why...I still don't know) And its a little overcast and a little cool, but just the right weather to take the hellions to the park and let them play their little hearts out. This way they get worn out and will crash out for an hour or two when we get home. Then, Mom gets the most coveted of all things for a mommy, time for ME. So, kiddies are playing and I'm snapping photos just because, well, my kids are freaking cute!

Out of no where we hear, "quack, quack..." Crap. Ducks. You see this particular park, their favorite is near the river and it's a place that a flock of ducks hang out hoping to get fed. Of course the weather is perfect for this too. Anyway, I hear this and I brace myself to take off in a sprint. Sure enough, Ms Personality takes off, screaming, "Doks, Doks! Mommy Doks!" Ok, so in full Mommy-mode I run after her and do a little snatch-and-grab before she plunges into the murky deep.

Whew! "Let's all take a little walk. mmkk?" So on this walk I catch a glimpse of a downed tree with the river and the old bridge in behind it. The result is this photo.....

It is now the most recent portrait of my babies. No they are no completely clean and I would have liked Ms. Personalities hair to have been put up but, it's a great photo and it cost me nearly squat.

Upload that puppy and have 9 8x10's and 6 5x7's made. Total cost with tax? $20.22. Yeah. Never paying $200.00 for posed portraits again!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mom's Night Out...Honey, Don't Kill the Kids......

I am finally, finally, taking my other half up on his offer to watch the kids while I go out with some friends for dinner and drinks. So, I am a member an internet group of local moms, some of whom read this blog, (Hi guys!) and it was one of the members' birthday on March 2nd, so we are taking the opportunity to run like hell away from our spawn and do some serious gorging, serious cackling and potentially serious guzzling of alcoholic beverages.
Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. I mean LOVE them. Kill for them. But mostly I love them in a "Christ, how many times do I have to tell you that bananas do not go on the TV screen" kind of way. Ya know, the absent, not really there mumbling, while you hope they'll just go away so you can close your eyes for five seconds of peace kind of way.

And yeah, I enjoy them. They make me laugh.

Maniacally. The laugh you hear like two seconds before the potential loon next to you just wigs out! So, tonight, I get adult female conversation, peppered with a little immaturity I am sure, for what is more enjoyable than not corralling the kids but becoming a public nuisance??

Just kidding. Kind of. I plan on driving my
own vehicle and if things wind down early heading out for drinks and dancing later. We'll see if any of the mammas want to come out or not Either way, I do have a few friends who do want to and I'll meet up with them if I am at a loss early on, but I refuse to set foot in that house before the stroke of midnight.

I actually want to walk out of my house looking like a home-wrecker (not that I would EVER wreck a home, I just want to knock hubby’s socks off) and when I say, “See you tomorrow, babe.” I want to absolutely follow through.

And when I have eaten too much Tex-Mex, drank enough fruity little cocktails and had my fill of shaking what the Lord gave me, I will go home, go to my daughter's rooms and wake them just to tell them how much I missed them. (Sidebar: Little Man is visiting PoPo in Marble Falls and is therefore unavailable for said hugs and mushy stuff). Then I will retreat to my bedroom, strip down and climb into bed to be snuggled next to my hubby and drift off into a relaxing sleep and hope that it won't be another 2 years before I go out with "the girls" again.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I am slacking again....

Here it is Thursday and I have no HNT post up. I am aiming to participate in SPF but hell it might not happen either. The only thing I can say is that I am planning a First Birthday dinner for Miracle Babe tomorrow night and that I am painting my living room before then.

Big job. My living room is huge. Umm...I had to RUN out to the curb with the trash can...IN MY ROBE....fresh from the bath because of course it's Thursday and for some reason my little reminder on on cell phone didn't go off. Luckily it was my granny robe so I am pretty sure the trash guys didn't get a show.

Dinner with a few fellow mommies and bloggers on Saturday night at one of my fav dining establishments. It just so happens that the hubby proposed to me there approx 4 1/2 years ago. OH and my anniversary is comming up on the 8th. Three years and no honeymoon or real anniversary celebration.

We were too broke after the wedding for a honeymoon and every year since then I have be postpartum on our anniversary. This is the first year of our marriage that I haven't had a new baby in tow on my wedding anniversary. Oh and of course there is the whole no sex til six weeks thing. That sucks when your first anniversary falls in there.

Anyhoo...enough rambling... On to bigger and better things, like food and painting my living room a really nice mossy green.

© 2006 Crystal Morales

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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