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Another Day, Another Dollar

I'm sitting here at work. Surfing when I know I shouldn't be. Thinking over the events of the last week.

I took the news of CP losing his job pretty well I thought. But apparently I was just holding it all in because night before last it all came to head and the CP and I had it out. Fighting sucks all the energy out of you. I hate that our financial situation isn't what it was at one point. I think I blame him for this a little bit too. I don't mean to, but I think its there anyway.

I got our tree put up for Christmas but I just lost the Christmas spirit this year after I found out that the money we were going to use for gifts had to go to living expenses. Then my Dad calls and asks me about money for the kids Christmas. I made plans to go with him and my sister and buy all the gifts for them before it was all picked over and while we can still get a decent deal. I'm getting ready for this and the CP calls and says that the truck is out of commission. Needs brakes and it needs them tonight. I have to wait to go into town because I need to take the pads with me. So we get the thing apart before my sis shows up and turns out one of the rotors needs to be replaced and the other should be turned. So I leave it there and go shopping.

It was so mcuh fun playing Santa this year. Got the closet filled with presents and I am hoping that the kids stay out of them. Dad decided that Little Man needed a bed so we bought him a bed with storage underneath it. This will help with toy storage in his little room.

Had to work today and the CP is home with the kids as usual. He is working on the truck with my uncles trying to get it repaired. They got it fixed for little to no money. Fantastic!

Then there is the CP's job that he got. Stinks cause it's so far from the house and all we have the truck to get to it. Horrible gas mileage. So he's been checking thinks out and he has another job lined up that pays better and we have to get a small truck for him to do it. Since we had to get another vehicle anyway this will work out I think.

I have my fingers crossed. Got a chance to do the making up thing last night so I think all is well. We'll see when I get home from work. When the CP is cooped up at the house with the kids while I am working he will find a reason to get all pissy with me. Sometimes even calls me about it.

Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
My profile

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