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In the Midst of It All

So, the Cable Pimp is still on the coast. Turns out work there isn't too tough just alot of it. Here it seems the same. Keeping up with the midgets and no relief of the craziness they can cause in sight.

I feel bad every time I talk to CP the kids pipe up and he can't hear anything. Why is that children turn up the volume when you're on the phone? I think they have an interal communications montior. If I am contacting the outside world in any way they feel that they need to be involved.

Going to the hill country later on today for the birth of my nephew. Sis is having her first little boy to go with her little girl monster! So we go to welcome him to the world. I'll be mixing this vist with the one I wanted to make to spend time with Dad. Can't afford that many trips up there so I'll just mix the two.

Taking my BIL with us because he needs a ride up there. Seeing as how we're a little on the thin side as far as money goes, I'm gonna see if I can't get him to pitch in a little on fuel.

Gotta pack for the night, cause we're staying overnight. My dad is gonna be crazy. He can't stand all the noise and stuff. So the kids are gonna drive him bonkers. Then I have to make the run back home so I can go to work on Saturday and have my cousin watch the kids while I do it.

Miracle Babe has decided that she is ready to walk, she just hasn't gotten the balance part down yet. So if you hold her hands she'll walk all over the house. I think that's called crusing. Won't be long now and I'll be chasing her just as hard as I do the middle one.

Better go stretch and train for the marathon that I know is comming up. Posted by Picasa

"Cable Pimp"? CABLE PIMP? (I think THAT's why you lose at Gin Rummy.)


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Who's Behind the Madness

  • I'm Drama Mama
  • From Austin, Texas, United States
  • I am a 24 year old married mother of three, which were supposed to be two, but we were surprised with our little miracle after a failed tubal. I was the goody-goody who was college bound and sheltered to the max and I married the bad boy three years older than me after we got knocked-up. I AM the cliche but it worked out well because I would have been a collegiate partier. Now I am the ring leader at the madhouse which we lovingly refer to as the circus.
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